The Rodos Troupe and Palace Duo
In a YouTube clip, the Rodos Troupe members elegantly and precisely flip their bodies in sync across the stage during a performance on “Hollywood Palace,” a TV variety show that ran throughout the 1960s.

Among those are Rosie and Hans Rode, who also formed the Palace Duo.
In 1960, the group came to America. Shortly after, Rosie’s mother wrote a permission slip allowing her to date, and in 1961, Hans and Rosie were married.
The troupe did acrobatics and tumbling while the Palace Duo was an aerial cradle act. The groups practiced every day for a few hours except when they were traveling.
Throughout their tenure, the groups made television, stage and circus appearances, including time with the Ringling Bros.
“There’s nothing better than working with the family,” Rosie Rode said.
In 1972, they retired and opened the Old Heidelberg Castle at the corner of Fruitville Road and U.S. 301, which they operated until 1995. Not only was it a restaurant that served Bavarian-style food, but it also featured music, dancing and acrobats.