His life-long enthusiasm for the patronage of the circus arts culminated in his founding of the International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo.III of Monaco’s passion for the traditional circus and its people translated into the establishment of a dedicated festival for circus arts. Created in 1974, the Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carloshowcases the crème de la crème of circus arts and provides a critical platform and gathering place for circus folk. Each year, invited artists compete before an international jury of renowned circus greats for the coveted Gold, Silver and Bronze Clown statuettes. The Prince’s vision and commitment to sustain the circus included efforts to promote international dialogue, cooperation among circus directors, commitment to the presentation of well-treated and gently trained animals, and support for young artists and circus schools around the world. Fifty years after its founding, the Festival continues to put circus arts in the international spotlight through a blend of tradition and modernity.
Unsurpassed in its grandeur, this annual event has become the world’s largest and most prestigious gathering of international performers, professionals and circus devotees